Totally cut the cord in 2018. No more "cover" visits to the KH every few weeks/months. :)
The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
New Members since 2018
by Paul Bonanno innearly 2018 is over few more days to go.
it would be nice to know how many of you have joined or left the org during 2018?.
i would like to wish you all best wishes in your journey towards freedom.
Cart preaching question
by asp59 ini just wonder how the elders see the cart witnessing they always want to show co when he comes to visit how congregation covers the territory.
but there must be a great problem with that now as pioneers prefer sitting drinking coffee beside a cart.
The Fall Guy
C.O.'s and their wives must envy the pioneers' laid back ministry - no walking around for hours on end knocking on doors, getting no reply, getting abuse, or getting abject apathy.
@ smiddy - JW's should also be grateful to "Christendom" for providing them with the collated scriptures, (Bible) the marriage ceremony & its rituals & traditions, and last but not least, the wonderful "new light" that there is no such thing as the "evil slave." What a relief that must have been for the publishers!
"Are you the plumber?"
by Jourles ini've been debating whether or not to post this story simply because the org knows who i am (post history from pre-'05 will tell you all you need to know), and i'm not sure if they would give my parents shit if they knew what transpired earlier this summer.
but you know what, i don't care what they do, because my mom is dying of stage iv cancer and i feel this needs to be heard by anyone struggling with the loss of contact from their relatives.. for those who are not familiar with my background, i became a small thorn in the side of the wts while i was still in.
i'm not big on being deceived, and for me, the org crossed my personal 'red line' when it came to blood and the child abuse issue.
The Fall Guy
Jourles, your courage & experience and your mother's response is a defeat for the WTBTS's mind-control techniques.
Out of sight out of mind let's a parent who's shunning their child off the hook emotionally to a great extent, but when they're confronted by that lost child, the dark evil and inhumanity of the shunning & abandonment is overwhelmed by the greatest force in the world - love!
Parents who deny their parenthood when face-face with their offspring in such a situation, either consciously or sub-consciously must seriously detest what they have done, and continue to do.
I hope you can reunite with your mother soon.
When 2 want to visit.
by stillin insome of the local witnesses have been by, periodically, to check on us and say that they miss us.
i consider that a decent thing to do since they figure that we're going to die any day now from the loving god.
some have been elders, who have to always stay distant so that they don't somehow get contaminated by being too nice to us.
The Fall Guy
Alarm bells, alarm bells!!
Whenever two elders say they want to have a conversation with you on the same occasion, they have only one thing on their mind - the two witness rule!
They are looking for info from you which requires corroboration by them both.
Are JW publishers required to visit other JW publishers in pairs? Nope - just elders.
Ask each elder to visit you on their own, and see what response you get!
When I was first offered a shepherding call over two years ago, I informed the elder (very nice man) that I would not sit in a room with two elders again. He told me that he'd gladly come on his own. I said great.
I'm still waiting.
UK Prime Minister about to get booted out?
by The Fall Guy in
changing the driver of a runaway (brexit) train which is speeding towards a broken down bridge over a chasm is going to do a lot of good.
why not just stop the train?.
The Fall Guy
Changing the driver of a runaway (Brexit) train which is speeding towards a broken down bridge over a chasm is going to do a lot of good. :(
Why not just stop the train?
Mrs. May point blank refuses to allow the British electorate the opportunity to change their minds, but she postponed the Parliamentary vote on her terrible deal, hoping that M.P.'s will change their minds, and now she's running around Europe trying to get EU bosses to change their minds!
She probably deserves to go now.
Fast food delivery service?
by The Fall Guy inafter seeing this, i think i'll just go and collect it myself!.
watch the video in the article - and imagine that it was you who was waiting for this food..
The Fall Guy
After seeing this, I think I'll just go and collect it myself!
Watch the video in the article - and imagine that it was you who was waiting for this food.
Abuse Survivor's $4M Judgment Against Jehovah's Witness Umbrella Organization Upheld by Court 12/10/18
by Not_Culty in
The Fall Guy
So delighted to hear that JW.BORG has been done over yet again. May their agonies multiply.
Thank you very much for this post, as I've just shared the links with members in my previous congregation who I know will be very quick to share/gossip about it with other J.W.'s. Excellent! (Mr. Burns voice)
Page 13, Section 3: "That is because the sin of child abuse is often time described by elders who write to the Service Department by the Scriptural description of the specific sinful act, such as ‘porneia’."
Yup, first and foremost, the
WTBTScult & its elders view the raping of children as a sin - not a crime! -
First time here - My Story (Spousal Abuse)
by Centaurus A inhi everyone, this is my first time here and only in the last 2 weeks have my eyes been opened.
still trying to take in all this new info.
anyways here is my very condensed story:.
The Fall Guy
Hi Centaurus A, welcome I hope your journey in life gets easier as you go on.
If you aren't worried about being disfellowshipped/shunned by relatives, say and do whatever you feel is right.
On the other hand, if you want to help your dad, you can only do so as long as you are careful with what you say and how you say it. Present ideas to him as questions, not as facts or (justifiable) criticisms. Get him thinking.
You have a PM with some topics to consider for use as questions.
Best wishes for your future.
This Is It?
by Nevuela ini can't say much out of fear of getting caught, but i overheard a jw i know on the phone with a friend talking about "how close we are to the end.
" yeah, yeah, i know.
we've been on the brink of armageddon for well over a century, but what struck me about this particular instance was what she said next.
The Fall Guy
@ Nevuela - for Bible Students living between 1880 - 1914, Russell promised them that the GT and Armageddon was coming soon - in 1914 & then 1915..
Bible students between 1919-25 were promised similar by Rutherford and that the resurrection would take place in 1925.
Jehovah's Witnesses were seriously primed by the WTBTS, Fred Franz, Nathan Knorr et al to expect the end to come in 1975 and before the end of the 20th century.
The WTBTS/JW's should be in the Guinness Book of World Records - for being the world's most prolific and humiliated Christian denomination when predicting the end of this world.
No surprise then if we suddenly hear of another "it's so near" prediction.
Hello Everyone, Another JW Has Left!
by SuperGirl injust want to introduce myself and let you know that this site is working and is a big help to lots of jws with doubts.
i've been lurking for about a year, the first couple of times i was frightened and literally shaking visiting an apostate site but it's the only place i can come to for sanity.
the religion has become a nut house.
The Fall Guy
Welcome to the forum - and to the rest of your life!
Don't change - continue being the caring and reasonable person your story shows, and let the shunners see that life is
goodbetter without them.